You will find resources specific to the 2024 version of the CMTCA Standards for Accreditation

This "course" contains a number of documents that can also be found on our website and on the Documents page, , under the Our Accreditation Process tab.

These resources can be helpful for any program regardless of where it exists on its accreditation pathway.

Your feedback is appreciated to help us develop and provide content that will help facilitate success accreditation and quality improvements.

You will find pdf copies of the PowerPoints along with the recording from our webinar series focused on education programs.

We hope you find these resources useful and should you have questions please do no hesitate to reach out to one of our Accreditation Specialists.

Watch this presentation about Criterion 1.1, for helpful insights on how to embed the PC/PIs in your program.

Criterion 5.7 is about developing an "ethics framework to help faculty and staff resolve ethical dilemmas".  This course will help you learn more about ethical decisions in the context of a massage therapy education program and get started in creating your own framework. 
After completing this course you will be able to explain each one of the 7 standard sections and interpret the criteria.  It is recommended that you complete this course before taking the Assessment course.

Both sections of this course consist of an e-learning module with content and assessments, and discussion boards where you will engage with colleagues and moderators in activities that will help you develop the skills needed to meet the course objectives.

After completing this course you will be able to prepare for a site visit.

It is recommended that you complete course 2 The Standards before starting this one.